import getpass, sys

def question_with_response(prompt):
    print( prompt)
    msg = input()
    return msg

print('Hello, User')
print("Welcome to Curse of The Python, where your inputs will forge the output on your quest to escape")
rsp = question_with_response("Are you ready to embark on your adventure? Type Y or N")

if rsp == "Y":
    print("Very Well...") 
    rsp = question_with_response("Press Enter to Continue")

if rsp == "N": 
    print("Perhaps another time then...")

rsp = question_with_response("You wake up on the stone floor in a temple, as you drearily make your way to your feet, you see a python insignia staring at you, there are 3 doors, one made of wood, one made of rusty metal, and one with a skull painted on it. Which do you choose?")

if rsp == "Wood": 
    print("You go through the room behind the wooden door, the creaking only being absorbed by the emptiness within it...except for some writing on the wall. Read it?") 
    rsp = question_with_response ("Read? or Don't?")

if rsp == "Don't":
    print("Really? what else will you do?")
print("You got the Dead-end ending")

if rsp == "Read":
    print("The text reads: 'I sing but never talk, Always run but don't walk, I have hands, but no arms, and a face, but no head'")
    rsp = question_with_response ("What could the answer be?")

if rsp == "Clock":
    print("As you mutter the answer to yourself, you hear a little crumble, and as you say it again, the walls move slightly, showing the outside world. Then as you yell it one more time, the walls open completely, and you run outside")
    print("You got the Intellect ending")
Hello, User
Welcome to Curse of The Python, where your inputs will forge the output on your quest to escape
Are you ready to embark on your adventure? Type Y or N
You wake up on the stone floor in a temple, as you drearily make your way to your feet, you see a python insignia staring at you, there are 3 doors, one made of wood, one made of rusty metal, and one with a skull painted on it. Which do you choose?
You got the Dead-end ending