The Lecture

  • The Lecture itself goes over Psychology and the good life of college students, and the notes below are a general sense of what was discussed in the time span


  • 0:00-10:00: She discussed how people see college as a fun place to be and something that won’t cause any stress or anxiety, but in actuality, it can make students depressed or stressed. She then introduces the concept of “The good life” and refers to it as something that can be practiced, and the science behind it

  • 10:01-20:00: We can control our happiness, but not from what we think. ANd even then after we figure out what truly makes us happy, we have to put in the effort to actually make ourselves happy, knowing is half the battle

  • 20:01-30:00: Money can’t buy happiness (75k is when people are the happiest) and truly happy people try not to seek material things, but time with others. They had many people on a train, and the most social people be happier statistically.

  • 30:01-40:00: People are happier when people spend money on other people, regardless of amount given. Make time for gratitude and the people who make you happy rather than those who bring you down. Healhthy practices have more of an impact on your happiness. High school students get 4-5 hours of sleep, deteriorating health

  • 40:01-50:00: Be in the present, and live the moment. Be wealthy, but not in terms of money, but time. Even those who spend money to make time are happier, but if you prioritize money over time, it won’t get you anywhere. College students don’t throw parties that much due to how busy they are.

  • 50:01-58:02: Older people are happier. Students think that parents have certain guidelines (“You need good grades”)

Main Takeaway

  • My Main takeaway from this lecture is that there are a lot of people who are stressed in life and don’t feel happy or the need to function. But what I learned is that in order to be happy, you not only do the things you enjoy, but be grateful for what makes you happy, and you spend more towards that gratitude, with spending time with the people you love