Error Testing

How to test an error

  • Step 1: Find the error

  • Error types: 2.1.1: A Logic error: Mistake in the algorithm causing it to bheave incorrectly

  • 2.1.2: A Syntax error: A mistake in the program where the programming language aren’t followed (typos and whatnot ) and cannot run

  • 2.1.3: A Run Time error: A mistake that occurs during program execution with the languages defining their own errors (divide by 0/innapropriate data type)

  • 2.1.4: An overflow error: An error that occurs when a computer can’t handle a number too big

  • Errors are really common and expected with programming

  • Test code for errors and list specifications in behavior

  • Finally, the code is tested and tested and improved upon, then tested again, until fully revised and released.