4.1 The Internet

4.1 Revolves around computers and how they give and get data via systems, networks, and Passes

  • Computers as a whole have evolved a lot, starting big, yet going smaller

  • It was still hard to communicate with friends, even with new tech

  • Computers can send and receive data, such as packets, which are small amounts of data sent in a network,and primarily source and destination info.

  • How do they communicate? A computer network is a group of connected computing devices able to send or recieve data.

  • A computer system is a group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose.

  • A Path between 2 machines (sender and reciever) is a sequence that begins at the sender and ends at the reciever. While Routing is the process of finding a path from sender to reciever,

  • Bandwidth is the max amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time (bits per second)