Cost of Free

  • If you use general public licensing, you could be voiding your rights to charge for software patients. Open source says any derivative work is free and code should be shared.

  • Licenses in Github usually consist of an author, and usually involves copyright, derivatives, and if it can be shared or not

  • As consumers, we have become aware that Music and Movie companies own content. These companies build DRM (Digital Rights Management) software to protect, play, and/or distribute content. Most of us buy subscriptions to services. However, some figure out ways to bypass systems and allow download. Often we will see these sites disappear, as they are illegal.

Nefarious Uses of Internet

  • Virus or Malware compromise security, they are opposite of increasing security.
  • Phishing is a way to get a Virus on your machine, or a way to get you to input PII.
  • After a Virus or being compromised by Phishing it is advised to review all of your PII vulnerabilities.

Open Source GPL License

  • The GNU GPLv3 also lets people do almost anything they want with your project, except distributing closed source versions.

  • Open source means the GitHub project must be public.

  • For a company like Qualcomm, they are required to institute many practices to deliver their code in parts (public vs private). Isolating their patent and secret code, far away from the GPL or Creative Commons code. In fact, a company that is protecting their patents may need to division engineers, split distribution, not deploy to public, etc. After distribution, the customer of the Patented (ie Qualcomm) product is required to put the public/private domain code back together again.


  • I have seen PII in APCSP whenever I open a terminal and type wsl, it has my username already in it, and if I need to perform a sudo command, it asks me for my password, which is unique to me

  • I feel that there are definently some areas where it is okay to share some information, such as name, phone numbers, and email. However I also believe that there is some more critical information maybe not shared out in the open, such as social security number or permanent record.

  • A good password is a mix of various numers, letters, and characters so it isn’t easy to guess, a bad one would be a short common phrase that is easy to guess.

  • Another authentication step is 2fa, where your email or phone number could be used to verify yourself.

  • symmetric encryption only uses one key do encrypt and decrypt, while asymmetric uses shared keys

  • We used this encription in AWS in our group project where we could access different flask python servers in order to run a certain server locally. The key would determine who’s page would be run

  • I get emails all the time from people claiming to be people like paypal or microsoft, thanking me for a purchase I didn’t make, I usually know its not true because I keep track of all my purchases and I know when I ordered something or not. However, a hard way I learned it was when someone hacked my Instagram account by convincing me I had won a lot of money, I did what they said to my personal account info, and then they stole the account. I could never get it back, so at the end of the day, I learned from that incident