Category 1: Purpose

  • The purpose of my project is to inform the viewer of what is coming soon from my upcoming game, and to also recieve emails and store them for the option of promotional emails.

Category 2: Data Abstraction

  • My code shown here is a database used to store the data (in this instance email) It calls on an API and all necessary data from it, and identifies the name of the variable as email, and the data stored in it will be the email itself.

Category 3: Managing Complexity

  • The list mentioned above manages complexity by storing the data and calling on API, and for the UI of my project is managed with image formatting.

Category 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • The Procedure for this line of code is that it imports the user and defines an API with a blueprint that requests, gets, and then detects if there is a UID and password, if there aren’t it makes one.

Category 5: Algorithm Implementation


Category 6: Testing

  • 1st Call: For test one, I put in my email in the textbox when asked to and it was inserted into the database

  • 2nd Call: I put in a different email (of mine) and that one was put in the database separately from the first one

Condition of Calls: The api and database checked to make sure that the email was different from the previous one

Results: Both emails were put into the database seprately