<div class="container bg-primary">
    <header class="pb-3 mb-4 border-bottom border-primary text-dark">
        <span class="fs-4">Grade Calculator</span>
        <!-- Totals -->
        <div class="form-group row">
            Total : <span id="total" class="label label-primary">0.0</span>
            Count : <span id="count" class="label label-primary">0.0</span>
            Average : <span id="average" class="label label-primary">0.0</span>
        <!-- Rows -->
        <div class="form-group row">
            Input scores, press tab to add new number:
            <div id="scores">
                <input onblur="calculator()" type="text" name="score" id="score0"/><br>
                <!-- javascript generated inputs -->
const scoresContainer = document.getElementById("scores");

// Creates new input line
function newInputLine(index) {
    // Prepare new input line
    var input = document.createElement("input");  // input element
    var br = document.createElement("br");  // line break element
    // Setup input line attributes
    input.setAttribute('onblur', "calculator()");
    input.setAttribute('type', "text");
    input.setAttribute('name', "score");
    input.setAttribute('id', "score" + index);
    // Add input and line break to page
// Calculates totals
function calculator(){
    var array = document.getElementsByName('score'); // setup array of scores
    if (array[array.length-1].value.length != 0) {   // input cell has a value
        // algorithm to calculate results
        var total = 0;  // running total
        for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){  // iterate through array
            if(parseFloat(array[i].value))  // convert to float
                total += parseFloat(array[i].value);  // add to running total
        // update totals
        document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = total.toFixed(2);
        document.getElementById('count').innerHTML = array.length;
        document.getElementById('average').innerHTML = (total / array.length).toFixed(2);
        // make a new input line
    // Set cursor focus on last element; this could be new or unchanged element
    document.getElementById("score" + (array.length-1)).focus();